RPMP.01.02.03-12-0185/21  PROJECT  

The project "Development of an improved product - LiMON UAV" is realized within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme for Małopolska Region for 2014-2020, 1 Priority Axis Knowledge Economy, Action 1.2 Research and innovation in enterprises, Sub-action 1.2.3 Innovation vouchers, co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.  


The subject of the project is to develop the improvement of LiMON software. New functionalities will be introduced to software in 4 main stages:  
• UAV LiDAR data alignment - tools for importing LiDAR data along with trajectory, allowing to improve geometric accuracy of point cloud by determining corrections to trajectory. In two variants: relative - when all observations in the alignment process apply to the point cloud, absolute - when the user provides reference observations.  
• Post-processing of point clouds received from UAVs - tools for automatic quality control of LiDAR data with reporting. Automatic classification of outlier and redundant point observations in coverage areas between strips. Point cloud coloring using images acquired synchronously with LiDAR data.  
• Point cloud classification - tools for automatic classification of point clouds for ground filtering (class 2) and building detection (class 6) using geometric methods.  
• Elevation Models Generation - tools to generate elevation models in GRID structure using algorithms to produce substantively correct results for: Digital Terrain Model (DTM), Digital Surface Model Model (DSM) and Numerical Trees Model (CHM) taking into account the characteristics of LiDAR data from UAVs.  
All algorithms will be designed to perform calculations on graphics card processors (GPU) using Python or C++ language. Developed algorithms will be created taking into account existing LiMON software functionalities.  
As part of the implementation work carried out by the Applicant, the methods developed within the commissioned R&D work will be implemented into LiMON software, allowing to obtain an innovative improved product LiMON-UAV